Eric Foxley's Music Database
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The PDF pages each contain a number of tunes taken from the database; we will usually play tunes from a chosen page for a particular dance. The pages coma as a number of sets. The significance of each set of pages is shown below. The indexes below each have a contents page and a permuted index page.

You can download the PDF files by clicking on the right button.

AllContents Contents of each page in the PDF area
AllIndex Permuted index of the titles of all tunes on the PDF pages
General Index of all tunes by timesignature and key
IndexByTimeSig Index of all tunes ordered by time signature and title
Christmas HTML index to a few Christmas pages
France1993 HTML index to the pages for our French tour in 1993
France1997 HTML index to the pages for our French tour in 1997
France2001 HTML index to the pages for our French tour planned for 2001
FredsFolks These pages form Freds Folks main music book; there are several sections
  • Jigs 6/8 time
  • 48-bar jigs, useful for dances such as Bridge of Athlone and Waves of Tory
  • Slip jigs 9/8 time
  • Reels: 4/4 and 2/4
  • Rants: reels with and emphasis on the final beat of the bar, the anacrusis
  • Reel/jigs: Alternate tunes in reel and jig rhythms for Cumberland Square dance etc.
  • Hornpipes: 4/4, played dotted but written smooth
  • Waltzes: 3/4 time
  • Special: Some tunes unique to their own dances
  • Listening: Various selections to play for listening
GreenwoodStepClog Some clog tunes
MickPeat The tunes from Mick Peat
Morris A few Morris tunes
Playford Some quieter tunes!
Spare Pages of tunes we don't have in the book
WeddingAnitaHamish Pages for one of the weddings we played for
WeddingBethBarrie Pages for another of the weddings we played for
WeddingFionaMartin Pages for another of the weddings we played for
WeddingVickiAndi Pages for another of the weddings we played for

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E-mail Eric Foxley
Greenwood Clog Foresters Morris Freds Folks King Billy pub singing sessions
Site under recovery from an ancient version, latest update 12-Jan-2021