Eric Foxley's Music Database

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This database contains about 1200 folk melodies, mostly British & American. They mostly come from the repertoire over the years of Fred Folks Ceilidh Band, and are intended as music for dancing.

As far as I know, it is the only music database in existence which is searchable by musical content, see the browser. The tunes are stored as key-independent note sequences using an ASCII notation developed in the 1970s, and so can be analysed for a variety of purposes.

Try the tunes index to look at the tunes. This gives lists of all our tunes by title, and each tune can be viewed as a GIF or PDF score, or in our basic ASCII format.

Lookalso at some of the statistics used to analyse the tunes.

We were asked by one visitor to the website to list all the tunes which were pentatonic.

We also have on-line pages of selections of tunes in PDF which form Freds Band music book, and include secections for other events.

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Greenwood Clog Foresters Morris Freds Folks Music database
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