Tom Fool
In comes one who's never been before,
I can't get through the window
So I've come in thro' the door.
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen
A Happy New Year to you.
There are several more actors at the door,
Some can dance and some can sing,
By your consent they shall come in.
Oakom, Pokom, France and Spain,
Step in Sergeant, o'er the main.
Recruiting Sergeant
In comes I the recruiting sergeant.
I've arrived here just now.
I have orders from the King to list all jolly fellows
That follow either cart, horse or plough.
Pedlars, nailers, tinkers, tailors,
Chimney sweeps to me advance.
The more I hear the fiddle play
The better I can dance.
Tom Fool
If you begin to sing, dance or say,
I will quickly step away.
Recruiting Sergeant sings
Come all ye lads that bound for listing.
List and do not be afraid.
You shall have all kinds of liquor,
Likewise kiss a pretty maid.
Enter Farmer's Man
In comes I the farmer's man.
Don’t you see the whip in my hand
As I go up to plough the land
And turn it upside down.
Straight I go from end to end,
I scarcely make a break or bend,
And to my horses I attend
As they go marching round the end.
Gee, Whoa, Back, Banker.
Recruiting Sergeant to Farmer's Man
You will list young man?
Are you free, able and willing
To take this shilling
While on your old hat I pin this ribbon?
Farmer's Man
Yes, sir
Recruiting Sergeant sings
Ten bright pounds shall be your bounty
If along with me you'll go.
Your old hat shall be trimmed with ribbon
Likewise cut a gallant show.
Farmer's Man
Thanks kind sergeant, I'll take your offer.
Time and away dost quickly pass.
Dash my whip if I'll grieve any longer
For a proud and saucy lass.
Enter Lady singing
In comes I a lady bright and gay
With fortune and sweet charms.
So scornfully I've been thrown away
Out of my true love's arms.
He says that if I don't wed with him
That you will understand.
He will list for some old soldier
And go to foreign land.
Farmer's Man sings to the Lady
Madam, I've got gold and silver
Madam, I've got house and land.
Madam, I've got rings and jewels,
For me to put on thy right hand.
Lady sings to Farmer's Man
What care I for gold and silver,
What care I for your house and land,
What care I for your rings and jewels,
All I want is a handsome man.
Farmer's Man sings to the Lady
A handsome man will not maintain you
Neither will his money flow.
I am the man's that's got the money,
And it's money that made the old mare go.
Tom Fool to Lady
Do you love me my pretty maid?
Lady to Tom Fool
Yes Tommy, to my sorrow
Tom Fool
When shall be our wedding day?
Tommy, love, tomorrow.
Tom Fool
We'll shake hands and we'll lock banns,
We will be wed tomorrow.
Tom Fool joins hands with Lady and Recruiting Sergeant with Farmer's Man
Enter Beelzebub
In comes I, old Beelzebub,
Over my shoulder I carry my club.
Under my arm I've a frying pan,
Don't you think I'm a funny old man.
(If you don't, I do)
Enter St George
In comes I, St George the champion bold,
With my bright sword
I won ten thousand pounds in glittering gold.
I fought the fiery dragon
And brought him to a slaughter
And by that means I gained
The King of Egypt's daughter.
I turn myself round, is there anyone who dare stand before me tonight?
Tom Fool to St George
I will last night but not tonight.
St George to Tom Fool
You will tonight for I will hiss,
I will slice you in ten square pieces
And make your ribbons fly.
Recruiting Sergeant
Hush, hush, young man don't get red hot,
For whom you're daring you know not.
With my sword point there is no doubt
If you've a mind we'll fight it out.
St George accepts the fight
Tom Fool
Stir the fire and strike a light,
And see this fellow act tonight.
One, two three.
Fight begins. Beelzebub steps in between then and is wounded by St George
Tom Fool
Oh George, oh George, what hast thou done?
You've gone and slain my only son.
My only son, my only heir,
How can you see him bleeding there?
St George, pointing to the Recruiting Sergeant
He challenged me to fight, how could I deny?
Tom Fool
Five pounds for a doctor.
Recruiting Sergeant
Ten pounds to stop away.
Tom Fool
Fifteen pounds.
But he must come on a case like this.
Doctor enters
In comes I, a doctor.
Tom Fool
You a doctor?
Yes, me a doctor.
Tom Fool
What do you cure?
Ipsey, pipsey, palsy, gout,
Pains within and pains without.
England, Ireland, France and Spain,
Over the hills and back again.
Draw a tooth, set a leg,
Raise the dead to life again (occasionally).
Doctor hands his gloves and walking stick to the Lady and then looks at Beelzebub's throat
Well this old chap is not dead but in a trance,
His pulse beats very true and irregular. It beats
Fourteen times the tick of my watch once, that's once an
Hour and by the size of his throat he has also
Swallowed a donkey and cart and one of the wheels won't digest.
I have here a small box of pills.
Tom Fool
Yes doctor.
These priceless pills, these priceless pills,
They cure both body and soul.
They kill cats and rats and make a leg of mutton tremble
Half a mile away.
I have here another box of pills Tommy.
Here's stilts for shrimps, glasses for
Blind bees, crutches for lame grasshoppers.
He must take two in the morning and I'm sure if
The pills won't digest, the box will.
Tom Fool
I'll see he takes them, doctor
Doctor helps Beelzebub to his feet
All sing
We are not the London actors that act upon the stage.
We are the country plough boys who plough for little wage.
The mire is so very deep, the water runs so clear.
We wish you all good night and another happy year.
We thank you for your Christmas box and a pitcher of your beer.
The Doctor leaves his address
Mr Killy-me-I-do, where the monkey fought
The weasel up the apple tree.
Good night and I thank you.
Exit Fool
And now our song is ended
You see our fool has gone,
We take it as our business
To follow him along.
We thank you for your civility
And what you've given us here.
We wish you all good night
And another happy year.