2005 ceramics photos
See also photos from 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1900s
Most recently updated 24 May 2009


1 : 6655 porcelain pasta plate - GrM CrBl
31 December 2005
Date title: New Year's Eve gig

2 : 6738 6740 bowl - HoG GrM
31 December 2005
Date title: New Year's Eve gig

3 : 6773 large rim plate - GrM CrBl
31 December 2005
Date title: New Year's Eve gig

4 : 6751 Painted plate Lisa+Ian for Jean
27 December 2005
Date title: Family Party and new pots

5 : 6756 - holey pot
27 December 2005
Date title: Family Party and new pots

6 : Joy's Christmas plate 6750
26 December 2005
Date title: Boxing day

7 : Green man plate
23 December 2005
Date title: Plate and cake
Photo by Photo by Rory

8 : Painted plate 6693 Green Man
26 November 2005
Date title: Green Man plates

9 : Painted plate 6698 Green Man
26 November 2005
Date title: Green Man plates

10 : Painted plate 6729 Green Lady
26 November 2005
Date title: Green Man plates

11 : Painted plate 6723 Green Lady
26 November 2005
Date title: Green Man plates

12 : Painted plate 6724 Green Lady
26 November 2005
Date title: Green Man plates

13 : Green man plate
13 October 2005
Date title: Walking from Rowsley

14 : Pot painted plate Rae Tim 6514
06 October 2005
Date title: Walking near Farnsfield

15 : Pot 6516 painted plate Emily Paul
06 October 2005
Date title: Walking near Farnsfield

16 : 6659 6657 GrM CrBl pasta bowl
06 October 2005
Date title: Walking near Farnsfield

17 : 6649 CrBl BrBl porcelain bowl
06 October 2005
Date title: Walking near Farnsfield

18 : 6671 SW CrBl open bowl
06 October 2005
Date title: Walking near Farnsfield

19 : 6668 SW GrM open bowl
06 October 2005
Date title: Walking near Farnsfield

20 : 6667 bowl SW HoG
04 October 2005
Date title: Pots

21 : 6631 open bowl CrBl FB
04 October 2005
Date title: Pots

22 : 6651 GrM CrBl open bowl
04 October 2005
Date title: Pots

23 : Plate 6624 BT CrBl
10 September 2005
Date title: Helen & Steve's 25th wedding gig

24 : Plate 6629 GrM CrBl
10 September 2005
Date title: Helen & Steve's 25th wedding gig

25 : Plate 6641 SW HoG
10 September 2005
Date title: Helen & Steve's 25th wedding gig

26 : Bowl 6641 SW HoG
10 September 2005
Date title: Helen & Steve's 25th wedding gig

27 : Bowl 6635 CrBl FB
10 September 2005
Date title: Helen & Steve's 25th wedding gig

28 : Bowl 6642 SaBl CrBl
10 September 2005
Date title: Helen & Steve's 25th wedding gig

29 : 6660 SW HoG Pasta bowl
07 September 2005
Date title: Pots

30 : 6660 SW HoG Pasta bowl
07 September 2005
Date title: Pots

31 : 6662 HoG GrM bowl
07 September 2005
Date title: Pots

32 : 6664 GrM CrBl bowl
07 September 2005
Date title: Pots

33 : 6633 GrM BrBl bowl
07 September 2005
Date title: Pots

34 : ???? SaBl CrBl bowl
07 September 2005
Date title: Pots

35 : Pot 6594 GrM CrBl Lasagne dish
08 June 2005
Date title: Pots

36 : Mike+Niqi for Liz & Peter 6523
Painted plate
07 June 2005
Date title: Garden flowers

37 : Pauline+David for Catherine 6522
Painted plate
07 June 2005
Date title: Garden flowers

38 : Julieann David plate for Becky 6519
05 June 2005
Date title: Pots

39 : 6608 AuSh BRed bowl
05 June 2005
Date title: Pots

40 : 6608 Tund BRedbowl
05 June 2005
Date title: Pots

41 : 6605 Tund AuSh bowl
05 June 2005
Date title: Pots

42 : 6543 CrBl BrBl open bowl
05 June 2005
Date title: Pots

43 : 6591 SW HoG lasagne dish white clay
05 June 2005
Date title: Pots

44 : 6565 GrM CrBl open bowl
05 June 2005
Date title: Pots

45 : Pot 6532 GrM CrBl
09 May 2005
Date title: Harvest of pots

46 : Pot 6588 GrM CrBl
09 May 2005
Date title: Harvest of pots

47 : Pot 6593 GrM CrBl
09 May 2005
Date title: Harvest of pots

48 : Pot 6331 HoG GrM
09 May 2005
Date title: Harvest of pots

49 : Pot 6585 HoG GrM
09 May 2005
Date title: Harvest of pots

50 : Pot 6567 CrBl FB
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

51 : Pot 6568 SW HoG
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

52 : Pot 6573 HoG GrM
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

53 : Pot 6573 HoG GrM
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

54 : Pot 6575 SM
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

55 : Pot 6568 SW HoG
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

56 : Pot 6550 CrBl FB
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

57 : Pot 6566 CrBl FB
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

58 : Pot 6563 GrM FB
04 May 2005
Date title: Wollaton Park, pots & flowers

59 : Pot 6431 CrBl FB bowl
01 January 2005
Date title: New pots

60 : Pot 6430 HoG CrBl pot
01 January 2005
Date title: New pots

61 : Pot 6458 FB CrBl mug
01 January 2005
Date title: New pots

62 : Pot 6453 CrBl FB mug
01 January 2005
Date title: New pots

63 : Pot 6457 CrBl BrBl mug
01 January 2005
Date title: New pots
63 photos, click first or here for 10 secs/slide show R 37, G 28, B 38; Page updated 24-5-2009
Keywords: Ceramics 2005

Eric also manages web sites for British Button Society, Chaturangan, Foresters, Freds Folks Ceilidh Band, Greenwood, Young Folk and Grant Publisher.