A development initiative for South Asian Dance in the North West

Travelling Fellowship
funded by the
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

With her Winston Churchill Memorial Trust travelling fellowship Bisakha followed her dream to go to Canada to share her love of dance with senior members of the community.

On the first day of Bisakha's arrival, she was sitting  in the front porch, surrounded by tall trees, bushes, pot plants  and hanging baskets full of brightly coloured flowers. Bees were humming, hummingbirds singing and butterflies fluttering. She noticed a yellow butterfly, happy, carefree and busy searching for who knows what. The evening sun's light caught its wings and give it a golden glow. The dance of this yellow butterfly, she thinks, seems to reflect the essence her journey with the Churchill Fellowship. The evening light, the carefree rhythm, the insatiable curiosity, the joy of living in the moment in the knowledge that each moment could turn into a song celebrating life.

A full copy of her report is held at the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust here.

See the links above for her report, reflections and recollections of the trip, and for comments.


Bisakha at Manchester Airport


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Page last updated 07-Jan-2014 - Comments on the website welcome by Eric Foxley at the Dunkirk Arts Centre
Eric also manages web sites for
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