Els Van Buren-Walvis contributions

The first 20 minutes on the 1rst day: a lecture-demonstration titled 'Dance in The Netherlands, a lifelong affair?'

A brief overview of Dance and Older People in Holland in recent years and today, both in the amateur and professional field.

The lecture will be accompanied by DVD images.

The 40 minutes on the 2nd day: a lecture-demonstration titled ''Dance, a lifelong affair'', the piece and the process'.

'Dance, a lifelong affair' is a dance piece for 7 dancers aged 10, 11, 12, 68, 72, 78 made by Els van Buren-Walvis.

Abstract of the piece:

Two duets, a trio, a quartet and a dance with the whole group show the life span of a passion for dance.

A senior man, very skilled in Rumanian folk dance with boys following in his footsteps.

A senior woman and a girl mirrorring each other or themselves?

A senior man remembering movements from his childhood, the children performing them.

And finally everybody swinging.

After a show on DVD of the piece Els will talk about the process.

The talking will be accompanied by DVD images.



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Page last updated 17-Jan-2012 - Comments on the website welcome by Eric Foxley at the Dunkirk Arts Centre
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